Friday, June 09, 2006

And then the Usual Suspects show up.

Following the sudden demise of Abu al-Zarqwai yesterday, a number of people I commomly refer to as "The Usual Suspects" have poked their pin-heads out of the woodwork. Okay, I was a bit premature. It was a pair of U.S. fighters that gave him a C.O.D. delivery of a JDAM, not a Predator.

The result is the same; a monster is dead. Aside from his immediate family, no one mourns the death of this critter. Aside from being fat, ugly, and dumber than a sack of hair, this was one person who tempted God too often. Islamic or Christian, if you don't understand the concept of smack-downs, you'll get educated PDQ.

Ollie North, pardon me, Col. North, nailed a salient point last night. A month from now, no one will remember the event at Baquba. Instead, they'll remember Haditha. That one will be shoved down the public's throat. Marines are accused of killing civilians. That one will play with the liberal media.

Today's rage is reserved for those who claim the killing of al-Zarqawi is "a ploitical stunt" to somehow enforce the president's poll ratings. One question for the Usual Suspects: where have you been hiding since 9/11? Did you never see the video of this headhunter at work? It was on the Internet; any 14-year-old could access it.

I confessed some moral uncertainty that I should celebrate the death of another person. Flipping that coin, I can't think of another person who more needs to be off the planet. I hear that he lived just long enough to recognize who had killed him, and tried to jump off the stretcher.

The details may never be known, but I hope some intrepid trooper put a pistol to his head and shot him like a crippled horse.

A successor is already being named. Like the Murthas, Kerrys, Kennedys, and Pelosis, these people will be with us always. We can always count on them to make the most outrageous comments, and whine like brats that they know a better pathway, if only we'll relinquish governmental power to them again.

They are The Usual Suspects. Despite the "We support the troops" lies that spout from their pie-holes, they dishonor Iraqi and American troops by the score when they open their mouths. They will be lining up to crucify U.S. troops in the coming months.

A simple fact of the field is: if you kill a friend of mine, I'll lock and load on you faster than you can say "click". I'll wait for the jury to re-enter the room. I dread the politicization of this issue. Considering the comments of today's vermin, I see a pack of drooling dogs outside the cabin.

Aww, it's a free country. Go ahead and spew your poison, Democritters. It's worn thin with time; does anybody still believe that jive?


Blogger kmmontandon said...

Today's rage is reserved for those who claim the killing of al-Zarqawi is "a ploitical stunt" to somehow enforce the president's poll ratings.

Cite one.

The Washington Times couldn't, even though they led their site with a "Democrats call Zarqawi killing a stunt," line, and failed to quote a single Democrat saying so - same as you.

June 09, 2006 3:04 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

Are you from California, Kurt?

At the tail end of my patience, when I no longer think the game's worth the candle, I stirred someone up.

A California congressman is quoted this morning as saying the killing of Abu is nothing more than a presidential stunt to "cover Bush's a--"

I have a hard time with names; my memory isn't good for more than five minutes. Must be those evil cigarettes. That's why I'm not more meticulous about naming sources. I am the original "failure of intelligence."

I'm from Georgia, and know that my congressman is a fellow named Charlie Norwood. He's one of the good guys. I forget the name of that crazed congressman from the Left Coast who made this morning's remark; so shoot me, or refresh my memory.

You are obviously well-represented by the likes of Pelosi and Fienstein. Good luck in '08, and remember the Chinese proverb about being careful what you ask for, 'cause you just might get it.

The French PT boat commander, and the She-devil from New York, are going to fall far short in the sheer guts department if and when they get their turn at the plate.

June 09, 2006 4:23 PM  
Blogger camojack said...

That California Democrat you're referring to is one Peter Stark...undoubtedly a rather "stark peter", if you get my drift.

June 09, 2006 7:24 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

Thank you; I looked this jackass up online. I'll swear to my dying day that he lit the fuse this morning. I am a "failure of intelligence" in many areas, but I know how to look folks up.

Kurt, come back and say he didn't say that. Better still, come back and say why he didn't say that. I don't see a newer post on the congressman's website than March '06. There is a reason for this, yes?

You are well represented.

June 09, 2006 7:49 PM  

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