Monday, June 05, 2006

The taxman cometh!

I was going to withhold my annual rave about taxes until the next April 15th, or thereabouts, However, today I had to cough up an uncomfortably large sum of money, or face life under a bridge with my two dogs for company.

Since I didn’t desire a Waco outcome, I grudgingly paid up.

Ironically, at 0600 this morning, I am treated to the 1949 production of Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal in “The Fountainhead”. Although it’s a stilted and flawed version of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, it’s a good lead-in to my humble opinion...

Your taxes are collected at gunpoint. I get a lot of heat for saying this…”Gee; you’re being a little melodramatic here, aren’t you?”

Not at all.

If you want drama in your life, write a letter to the IRS, and tell them forthright that you decline to pay this years’ taxes because you feel the money is misspent; or make up your own reason. Just tell them you ain’t paying.

You will initially receive a visit from a couple of well-dressed, polite men who will “suggest” that you comply with the social norm of paying up the cash. These men carry firearms, but they do not display them.

If you tell these individuals to go to hell, and slam the door in their faces, they will be back. Their weapons will be unholstered, and an entire SWAT team will be on your front lawn; all to collect your taxes. Negotiation is out the window; pay up or die, proletarian scumbag!

The government comes down on tax protesters like they used to come down on draft dodgers. If even 10% of the general population suddenly got spine, stood up, and said “I ain’t paying”, America and the congressional vermin representing us might have to do a serious rethinking. Where you gonna lock ‘em up? That’s more than your wetbacks demanding a “right.” A serious tax resistance would be a disaster. Thus, the penalties are harsh unto death for complaints. I have the American right to bitch, but if I don’t pay up in the end, I’ll sleep on the street.

I am a "Fair Tax" advocate. That Libertaran point of view doesn't earn me a penny in collected tax dollars. People with guns will still show up at the front door if I don't pay up.

I paid my taxes. I suppose I have bought good citizenship until next year.


Blogger boberin said...

Good boy!
The tax man doesn't giveth but he sure does taketh away!

June 05, 2006 2:39 PM  
Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Tell me about taxes! We just got a letter in the mail from our friends at the IRS because we made a mistake on our return in 2003. I guess we made the same mistake in 2004 and 2005, because we been doin' it that way since we started payin' taxes. Actually, it's not a mistake... it's just not the way the IRS wants you to do things. What a pain! Our way makes perfect sense and is logical (that's why it's wrong from a gubmint POV). It'll be hell tryin' to explain it to those bureaucratic dimwits. I can just see me goin' to jail because I PAID my taxes. Sheesh!!!

June 05, 2006 4:40 PM  
Blogger camojack said... 0600 this morning, I am treated to the 1949 production of Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal in “The Fountainhead”.

That book is in the stack of books to to be read on my's the 5th one down.

BTW, I'm all for a Flat or Fair Tax, too...

June 05, 2006 4:59 PM  
Blogger Beerme said...

A fair tax sounds fair to me. The big benefit over a flat tax would be that everyone who consumes will pay taxes, while many who earn their money tax-free at present, do not (churches, tax-free enterprises, criminals, etc.).

June 05, 2006 5:39 PM  
Blogger UpNorthLurkin said...

Don't get me started...oh, okay, I prepare taxes as a volunteer for an organization I refuse to join, AARP. It's the only thing they do I approve of so I still do it. It's geared toward the elderly and the low other words the millions who don't pay taxes!! I think the "fair tax" is the way to go! The more citizens who don't pay anything, the worse off we'll be and the smaller the chance we'll ever get anything close to fair passed! I'm all for those who do the consumin' to do the payin'!

June 06, 2006 9:31 AM  
Blogger UpNorthLurkin said...

And, shall we talk about the new and wonderful Earned Income Credit?! Okay, Social Security and Medicare are already broke so let's give lower income people their contributions to both back!! Who do you think came up with that one?! The very people who will need SSI and Medicare the most are the ones getting it back now disguised as EIC!! (I told you not to get me started!!)

June 06, 2006 9:34 AM  

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