Saturday, February 04, 2006

Apologies are for wimps..

I was perhaps unfair to another person the other day. In my childish way, I tend to blame others, and suffer paranoid attacks of: “Why doesn’t this work?”, when the fault may be user error regarding computers.

There is an individual who drops by this blog occasionally. I call this person a troll, because he (?) has nothing significant to say, and his additions to the conversation are frequently so profane that he holds the record for comment deletions. I enjoy differences of opinion, and the politics of the personal attack, i.e. “you’re ugly…you’re a drug user…you're a Nazi SOB…” don’t bother me. These are the tactics of the “progressive” party, i.e. Those People. Their rhetoric, and the intellectual bankruptcy of their arguments, makes my points more succinctly than any verbiage I can summon from my limited hillbilly vocabulary. No one gets deleted because they have a point of view; that’s the purpose of blogging. I’d like to advance beyond my ten faithful readers, and become more than a mutual admiration society. I lack the intellectual capacity to provoke people into thinking beyond their personal envelopes. I hide from the real world behind the allusions of movies. When you get older, you can do this, as long as you keep the satellite bill paid.

I got locked out of my own blog the other day. UPI, and its server, sent me messages that said I am “forbidden”. I blamed my troll buddy “Liger” for this. I have been attacked before with viruses, computer worms, and unsolicited subscriptions to things varying from junk bond stock market reports to drug ads for erectile dysfunction.

I called this “the end”, and said this little corner was dead. Nope. It was maybe a technical malfunction of the server, or maybe I got confuzzled in dealing with my word verification procedure. That thing is difficult; even with new glasses; I can’t always make out the letters and type them in. I might see more comments if I dropped it as a requirement, but we need some standards.

I blamed the blog lockout on hacking by a troll. The immediate suspect was the person who posts profanity ad infinitum on my blog; Liger…one who assumes the identity and persona of a genetic hybrid of a lion and a tiger. We have become accustomed to you at ScrappleFace; if you consider yourself a representative of the liberal point of view, and have something to say, feel free to jump in. Dissension, and alternative proposals, will never be subjected to deletion.

The lockout was a server failure. I will give myself some kicks; that I blamed Liger for something that may be totally analogous. I’ll do a guilt trip for my failures, but don’t get too proud. Kids may wander in here, and while you’re free to cuss me to the ends of the earth in e-mail, I request reasonable PG-13 standards for this blog.

I feel bad that I accused Liger of hacking me and causing massive modem failure. This should not be interpreted as agreement with your POV. I am giving slack that you didn’t shut my site down. That is not the direction of reasoned discourse. Let’s boogie; let’s yell and scream.

I have a moment’s regret that I may have unfairly blamed someone for a fault of my own. Because of their politics of the personal attack, Those People are first in line to be blamed if there is a technical fault at some computer site. My UPI blog has unlocked, and maybe I am not being attacked.

We can fight and fuss all day long. If the libs have a blog, and you in particular, Liger, we’ll lay our arguments out. I have confidence that I’ll win in a debate over politics. If I am wrong for accusing you of hacking me because we disagree, then you have a real-time apology. The politics of disagreement does not include sabotage of each other’s forum.

I’ll give you a pass, that you didn’t hack me. Keep it clean, and you can call me all sorts of names on-site. If you want a cuss-fight, e-mail me and I’ll call you names that you haven’t invented yet. It’s my little corner, so I can decide the standards, and what’s right and wrong.

Jump in, if you have a POV that’ll stand analysis.
I was told to never apologize, by one of my ancestors, even if I’m wrong. I can be more gracious than my Confederate forebears. If I am wrong about someone hacking me to close down this site, then I ask forgiveness. If I am being weak, it is my fault. I do not apologize for my view of the world. If I am assigning blame without good cause, please pass unharmed by my judgment of conduct. Keep it clean, and let’s mix it up on politics, the ultimate point of view and bloodsport.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that a lot of the Blogger sites have been down because of server problems. I was beginning to worry about being "forbidden" from old faithful sites myself.

February 04, 2006 11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have double-posted this piece. You must have been a riled possum!

February 04, 2006 11:13 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

I am a pissed possum. I double-posted, because the computer thing only works half the time.

I should never apologize. The fact that computers don't work most of the time, and cause so many errors, is not an excuse for user failure and site mistakes.

February 05, 2006 1:01 AM  
Blogger camojack said...

Psst! Ignore the trolls...
-The poster formerly known as "Ms. Ann Thrope", et al.

February 05, 2006 1:52 AM  
Blogger Beerme said...

If the poster has nothing intelligent to add to the discussion, they are trolls and the appropriate response is to ignore. Iggy, period. Trolls HATE to be ignored.

February 05, 2006 9:52 AM  
Blogger Robert said...

Ignorance is a tool frequently employed at UPI.

February 05, 2006 10:09 AM  
Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Hey Possum,
Yeah I've had problems with my blog too. Last night I posted an article and after it told me the article was posted, I got a blank white screen. I couldn't get back to my blog for hours. Somewhat annoying to say the least, eh?

Very much the gentleman of you to apologize. I feel the same way... let's stick with rational debate and refrain from the ad-hominem attacks and use of vulgarity. Don't feel bad though, I have been known to lash out at the innocent too... but my wife doesn't take any crap and sets me straight (:D)


February 05, 2006 10:26 AM  
Blogger Robert said...

Two wives and two children taught me the rules, Hawk.

The seat remains lowered. There is to be no commentary on delicate undergarmnents drying on the shower rack. Dresses do not imply "fat", no matter how worn on the feminine form. Asking "Are you ready yet?" is an invitatiion to apocalypse.

February 05, 2006 10:57 AM  
Blogger Barb said...

How on earth could a wife leave you ,when you had just learned the rules!!
I have a little problem with the 'backseat ' driving. I'm the guilty one . I have finally learned to keep my mouth shut ,but still can't stop the left foot smashing into the floorboards,or grabbing the armrest when he takes a corner too fast. Mainly it's just "Do you want to drive?" But I don't believe any judge would give him a divorce on grounds like that,besides ,he doesn't have a witness.

February 05, 2006 8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go get em possum! Take no prisoners. They don't call us trolls for nothing but even I gotta say that most times liger is not really trying to advance much of a point and, what little point he has gets lost in the way he says it.
So it goes!
You need more than 10 readers? Why? We should be plenty!

February 06, 2006 11:09 AM  
Blogger Robert said...

I'm happy if anyone winks in my direction.

I have high regard and ultimate affection for those who drop by here.

Ten readers are enough. Blogs give us what James Cagney wanted atop the oil rig; we can stand atop the world, and scream at it.

"Top of the world, Ma!"

February 06, 2006 12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blogger was down for quite a while, as I couldn't get to either of my blogs either.

I hate it when that happens!

February 06, 2006 6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Either of my blogs either.

Sheesh. Am I brain dead on this Monday or what?

February 06, 2006 6:36 PM  
Blogger Just call me Shelly said...

Okay, my southern friend, you are linked from the "Cafe," now you gotta return the favor and stop in and have some coffee.

February 15, 2006 12:29 AM  

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