Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A brief note for Hawkeye

Do not feel sorry for this waste of DNA, Hawkeye. I see nothing to mitigate his conduct. I will not honor his name by mentioning it on this blog. I understand your urge to do the Christian thing, but in the case of this sociopath, it is totally lost. He is the bastard shooter. If ever someone came under the aegis of "he needed killing", it's this guy. Not a racial thing; I just have an aversion to people burning others down.


Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Understood my good man. I sometimes form snap opinions, and in such cases I am rarely rewarded with accusations of brilliance. Some people seem to always hit the nail on the head... I usually whack my thumb.

Anybody that could kill that many people was just plain evil. Forget the self-pity. Forget being mocked. Forget the failures. Forget the problems with the language. Forget the jealousy of others.

We all have problems. None of us gets everything we want. All of us have problems with something. Plenty of people have problems, and trials. Plenty of people get mocked or made fun of. Nothing justifies what he did.

I agree with you. "He needed killing". Too bad we couldn't have done it before he took 32 innocent people with him.

Please excuse my momentary lapse into bleeding heart liberalism... I feel like I need to take a shower.

April 24, 2007 9:30 PM  

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