Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A broad assumption

I'll assume that everyone who has visited this site in the last couple of days has either been having too much of a Merry Christmas, or you enjoyed my recipe and movie suggestions to the point of overload. Either pathway is cool.

The lack of commentary suggests I'm hitting bull's eyes on my targets. I'm going to go to bed for a few days, and wait for the turkey to wear off. Meanwhile, they'll hang Saddam, blow up the rest of the civilized world, or re-instate Miss Teen USA. Am I supposed to care?

I thought I might stir something up when I said I don't want John McCain or Barack Obama as my president, but it's too early in the year to care. No one cares for politics at Christmas. The new year's going to be groovy, when Queen Nancy takes control of America's future. Everyone will get along then!

I really don't want either of these clowns, Osama Bamalama as Ted Kennedy drunkenly called him, or chipmonk-face McCain, as my president. Senator McCain has more impressive credentials, but I don't trust him. Senator Obama needs more bark knocked off him by the DC political system. Pelosi's already proven more of a political joke than Al Gore.

If I had to cast a vote today, Joe Liberman would get it. Yeah, I'd even vote for a [former] Democrat again.

Hillary should not take this as a positive sign. I don't like the war, and you're the most poisonous woman in America. That's a dangerous mix. The girls get you every time. I have two ex-wives with keys to my Corvette and the bankbooks for all of my life's savings who can tell you about the politics of payback. I'll sit this one out, thanks all the same.

Nobody listens to my ravings. I don't know why I bother to type this. Hillary will be the next president, a nuclear incident will occur, and we'll continue to buy junk that's pushed for $19.95 on TV.

After I take the dog to the vet next week, I'm going to hibernate in bed for about four years. I don't want to see my nuclear nightmares come true when we try to "reason" with the forces of illogic and totalitarianism. We'll all kiss, get warm and fuzzy, and the knife will steal in like a thief in the night.

Hopefully, we won't feel it when they cut our throats. It's about dhimmitude or death, infidel!

Happy New Year, 2007! You have the best government money can buy; enjoy it!


Blogger Nylecoj said...

i am one of those folks that left no comment this week. I figured that since I agreed so whole heartedly about Obama and McCain my respose would just be boring. Awesme looking recipe BTW!

December 27, 2006 6:34 PM  
Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Hey Possum,

Sorry it took me so long to get around here. Worked all day, and then got home in time to prepare for guests. Entertained for a few hours followed by clean-up, etc.

Just got free a few minutes ago to check the e-mail. (Trust me. I had a good time, but I would have preferred spending a cozy evening catching up on the goings on at UPI.)

And what exactly do you mean by...
"Nobody listens to my ravings." That's total B.S. and you know it. Unless you're calling those of us who check-in here "nobodies".

Granted, we may not have been exactly verbose in recent days... but hey, it's the holidays.

FYI. I don't know if you noticed, but during the recent hub-bub over the absence of Ms RW over at ScrappleFace, the very next person who people started to worry about was YOU.

Face it. You have friends and you're loved. The ScrappleFolk are a closer-knit bunch than most. So don't go soft on us now, OK?

I'm countin' on ya buddy.

(:D) Regards...

December 27, 2006 11:17 PM  
Blogger Beerme said...

McCain's a weasel and so is Osamabamalama! Consummate politicians who'll say anything to get elected and do anything, whether they said they would or not to stay elected.

I weep for the future...

December 28, 2006 5:40 PM  
Blogger MargeinMI said...

Yeah, hrumph! What are we, nobodies???? ;o)

Eat some chocolate, watch a good movie, take a nap. Know that we love you.

Then shake it off and step up. Rant on POSSUM!!

January 02, 2007 5:19 AM  
Blogger camojack said...

Man, you're not s'posed to assume!

I was away, though...

January 04, 2007 10:29 AM  

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