Friday, October 06, 2006

"Shoot me first"

“Shoot me first”.

I don’t think braver words were ever spoken. This was a child who offered her life up, so that others might live.

This has been a week of political game-playing with the sexual peccadilloes of a congressman. Memphis and half of North Carolina are on fire. Murder has been done, in a way that enrages even non-members of the closed community that has suffered. A sexual predator has walked. To paraphrase the Grateful Dead, what a long, strange week it’s been.

I don’t mean to make light of this. College students at Columbia University showed their asses when it came to free speech, a Republican congressman took a hike when he was exposed as nothing more than a bus-station pervert, and children have been murdered. I only consider one of these stories important.

I can’t find this girl’s full name. Her name was Marian. Maybe that’s so it should be. I heard her grandpa’s name this morning. She deserves her peace. Her brave words will never be forgotten. I don’t have the guts to stand up to a crazed killer, and I know the Amish don’t reserve such places, but this bold girl deserves a place in all our memories. I can’t believe what this little girl said to a crazed madman. She was willing to forgive, and to give all. It may grate the Amish, but I will never forget. Pardon me while I remember the children.


Blogger Barb said...

I also have a hard time with forgiveness. The only way I may be able to forgive this cowardly murderer ,is because he is dead. If he were still alive ,sitting in court begging for mercy?I don't think so.
I am going to try ,but when I think of those little girls, in their 'family made' white dresses ,it just grinds and grates.
It does help to know those pure innocent children are already in heaven,and the murderer is in Hell.

October 06, 2006 2:25 PM  
Blogger Beerme said...


October 06, 2006 2:30 PM  
Blogger camojack said...

I'd heard about this brave child; she is truly remarkable.

And here come the "waterworks", again...

October 06, 2006 5:53 PM  
Blogger boberin said...

An example (this child, all Amish folks) of what true Christians do when faced with whatever life has in store. They turn the other cheek, they forgive immidiately and unconditionally. They strive with all of their being to do as Christ would have done/would do if faced with similar situations.
They actually trust that everything is in accordance with God's plan, humans may never see why something happens, this does not bother them. This time God seems to me to be speaking quite directly, not veiled in any meaningful way. The message is seemingly (to my eye) simple, "strive to be more like the Amish, their way is among the closest to My message and what it truly means". I'm certain I will be scoffed at for this opinion but, as most of you already know, this does not bother me a whit.
Would that all could be this way, even partially so. We are far too quick to seek vengeance on a personal and national level. Often this desire leads us to heartache and frustration as witnessed by many recent world events.
God bless those children, the entire Amish community.

October 08, 2006 11:24 AM  
Blogger Hawkeye® said...

The Amish are truly making known their faith in a remarkable way. Give all the glory to God.


October 08, 2006 8:12 PM  

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