Thursday, September 21, 2006

Unintended, impromtu raving

So, it took a little tinpot dictator to prompt Charles Rangel into saying something that makes sense. I do not like the Congressman, and his political views are diametrically opposed to mine. We can agree to disagree, and he doesn't represent my congressional district, anyhow. I reckon that's what makes America great.

I can't recall ever agreeing with Charles Rangel on anything, but when he took his bully pulpit today and read Venezuelan crackpot Hugo Chavez off, I found myself shouting "Right on!" I don't believe anything a congressman tells me, but I think Mr. Rangel's heart was in the right place, for a change.

Iran's "''Ah'm a madman" is telling outrageous lies at the United Nations, which has no place upon American soil. Crazed gnat Chavez is hogging the cameras and complaining of the stench of brimstone at the UN. Congressman Rangel is right; don't come here and tell me that my president is the devil. That decision is mine to make, and his. As Americans, we can fight about it all day long.

Go back to Venezuela, and cease your socialist publicity stunts in Harlem, Mr. Chavez. Uncle Fidel is still alive, and more than enough of a dictator for South America. He is better at long-winded speeches.

The United Nations should consider relocation to Buenos Aires, or Havanna, or some place in the European Union. We should not be picking up their $22 billion-per-year dinner tab. Those digs on the East River will make fine condominiums. Donald Trump's management company would make much better landlords.

Between the president's heart-to-heart to the UN, and the resounding barrage of hatred that followed, I hope that the American people got a clue. We stand alone, and the rest of the world will not stand with us.

Some will follow the path of least resistance, and support the cut-and-run, make-a-deal opposition party in 2008. I think the She-devil and the Global Warming Nut will make a fine pair to shepherd the death of Western Civilization; they'll be good for a lot of laughs, right up until the first thermonuclear incident.

Then we'll see who's laughing.


Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Right on Possum! You da man. All I can say is Amen! Move those anti-American idiots to another country. I suggest Tierra del Fuego (unless you can think of some place even more remote and barren).

September 21, 2006 3:42 PM  
Blogger boberin said...

Don't sugar coat it, tell it like it is.
A fine piece there Mr Possum, nicley done!

September 21, 2006 3:54 PM  
Blogger Barb said...

Isn't the South Pole the only property on earth no one owns? I'd say that would make a fine place for the UN. That's about the only way the US won't have to pay for it.
Yes, Rangel said the words ,but in a very whiny apologetic way. And almost everything Chavez and The Iranian Lizard said were taken right from speeches of Rangel's. So there was a very large wink and nod there.his constituents are among those who will receive 'free' oil from Chavez. Aren't there any olaws about taking bribes from a enemy leader?

September 21, 2006 5:29 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

Aww, rats! I want a day off for looking at these jackals. They make me crazy; I got to have loonies 24/7? I wallow in the filth of the world on a daily basis.

I want a few minutes to snooze off and not worry about idiotic bastards who want to end the world. Fine, you can kill everyone when I wake up. Give me a few moments of peace, and I'll sign the end of the world over to you. Mess with my sleep, and I'll rock your world to the umpteenth degree. Are we clear here?

September 21, 2006 5:36 PM  
Blogger camojack said...

I think Señor Chavez would make quite a Democrat...

September 21, 2006 11:34 PM  

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