Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The question redefined...

In the previous post, I asked the question “Why are we supposed to hate the Jews?” The most compelling reply to date was an unspecific suggestion that I check out my Bible. (See comments section on the last post.)

I also received some comments that detail human nature, and are close to the truth, as Jesus told the Philistine in the book of Mark. (That passage, “Thou art very close to the truth”, brought me back to faith from a world of angry bitterness, agnosticism, and denial of divinity.)

In asking the question “Why should we hate Jews?” I was hoping for some really rabid anti-Semitism. That would allow us all to examine the true nature of the enemy we face.

To reiterate a point I made earlier, I have never suffered a grievous wrong at the hands of a Jew. Some of my closest friends and confidants are Jewish, if I may deploy that cliché. ‘Tis true, hackneyed or not.

Most of the misery in my 50+ years has been brought to bear by “Christians” of the Caucasian persuasion. I am trying to keep an open mind and not demonize all Muslims as “the enemy” simply because they have a different belief system and value set, but they are doing nothing in the mainstream to encourage this acceptance. The reportage of Islamics celebrating in the streets after 9/11 does not promote an acceptance of said value sets.

So, to redefine the question: In the context of current events, why are we supposed to hate the Jews? Because of their “aggression?” Because they’re lashing out at cowardly murderers who have wreaked terror upon them since 1982? Because they are trying to root out an evil proxy that hides behind women and children?

The Discovery Channel, which is always suspect now because it’s openly owned by the New York Times, ran a series about the anti-Christ last weekend. Among their gems of enlightenment, they asserted that the re-founding of the state of Israel is a “supersign” that the end is near…at least according to some. Since the ’67 war, I have kept an eye open to the possibility that war in the Middle East might actually end in the prophesized battle of Aramageddon. I know it’s silly to modern, progressive thinkers, but I grew up with a book containing scary images of War I trench warfare with exploding nukes. (It was an illustrated text, and scared my young self spitless.)

I have a moderate suggestion: Leave the Jews alone! They are immune to world pressure; they stand on their own, and make a good showing of it. I have pride for Jews; when the concentration camps opened, they sort of wimped-out in Europe because they denied the Nazi terror was happening, but they learned PDQ, and adopted that motto: “Never forget!”

I have heard all the moonbat ravings that Israel is creating terrorists by “aggressing” on the citizens of Lebanon. Er…sorry…if some crazed gunman is hiding behind you, the best your rescuing cop can hope for is a takedown shot that will miss you.

So, as the heat wave thunderstorms approach, tell me again: WHY AM I SUPPOSED TO HATE JEWS?

Tell me they eat babies, or control the world’s money supply. Tell me white people fell off UFOs in the Caucasus, and us white folks are descendants of space aliens who lost their way.

Go to the edge; speak your faith. You believe it, don’t be shy about posting it here. I wanna know! Tell us Islam is “the religion of peace”, and then tell me why we should massacre the last of the Jews. I am really hoping someone can put this in context for me.


Blogger camojack said...

Here's the thing: I often tell folks that I consider myself a Messianic Jew. Some backwards, ign'ant people call the Jews "Christ killers", when the whole movement commonly known as Christianity was actually started by (Messianic) Jews...Jesus Himself foremost among them.

August 03, 2006 12:35 AM  
Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Hey Possum,

The Jews are God's chosen people. He chose them back in the days of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He made covenants with them which cannot be revoked. God was very angry with them because they rejected the sacrifice made by both God and by Jesus... (Jesus gave up his life, and God gave up His Son). God loved Abraham because he (Abraham) was willing to sacrifice his only son just as God would one day have to sacrifice HIS only Son. Although the Kingdom of God has been temporarily turned over to Christians because of Jewish "blindness", one day God will restore the fortunes of the Jews because of the oaths He swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

That's a long way of saying of what Fred Sinclair would say in a few words... "Don't mess with the Jews or you're bound to get stomped on!"

August 03, 2006 7:31 PM  

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