Thursday, July 20, 2006

And now, a word from our sponsors...

The mid-July thing is happening at Tee-shirt Hell. The children should be thrashed away from the computer, and strong-stomached adults are cautioned that this is rough stuff. I balk at sponsoring a link, but I'm a sick puppy.

I have a dark side to my sense of humor, and the operators of this site appeal to it. They also sell some fine tee-shirts. You can be as offensive as you want to be. Go here, or chase the link at right. Sometimes, irreverence is all..


Blogger camojack said...

Mine twisted humor preferences (never worse than PG-rated) are displayed on my motorcycle helmet in the form of stickers.

I do have a t-shirt that someone bought for me, that says "Beer: helping ugly people have sex since 1864". I don't know why they chose that year; beer, ugly people and sex have been around WAY longer than that...

July 21, 2006 3:00 AM  
Blogger Robert said...

More and more often, I find myself clicking the remote button in the middle of a movie, to see what the rating is. I keep thinking they're a soft "R", when in fact they're PG-13. The language values keep shifting.

I wouldn't be caught dead in a tee-shirt that bears the "F" word, or even the "S" word, but I still lack good taste. The ex-wife said my "I'm just lazy" shirt offended handicapped people; I just glanced at my wheelchair and shrugged.

I also have a tee that proclaims I'm only in my chair for the parking space. Sometimes it's gratifying to be somewhat nasty.

July 21, 2006 6:31 AM  

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