Thursday, July 21, 2005

Dodging the bullet

Well, the sun has set on the British Empire, in more ways than one, and the facts are beginning to come in.

By now we’re becoming inured to terrorist bombings—I don’t work for the CBC, so I can say “terrorist”—and the increasingly frequent outrages are slipping in their priority as a source of disgust. People were spared today by the grace of God, nothing less, when those bombs didn’t go off as intended.

What I asked, rhetorically, in speculating if the Brits “get it”, was questioning their realization that the Islamofascists will never stop until they are eradicated. They don’t want appeasement, or “recognition” of their twisted version of a venerated religious faith. Like the “cargo cults” of old, they cast an eye to the West, and want the riches without the hard work that goes into producing them. They think if they get a break, their way of life will triumph over any other social system yet devised by mankind.

The famed lawman and sports writer Bat Masterson had something to say about “equal breaks” shortly before he died in 1921: “The rich man gets ice in the summer, and the poor man gets it in the winter. I suppose that's an equal break.”

Even more disgusting than the murderous attempts today was a question fired at British PM Tony Blair: “Do you feel any responsibility that your policies have placed the citizens of London in the front line on the war on terror?” That was from yet another reporter; more freedom of the press in civilized countries. The PM put the blame where it belongs…on the terrorists. Bravo, Mr. Blair! Hear, hear!

The citizens of London dodged a bullet today. There is no middle ground, no appeasement by apologizing for any past slights, real or perceived. There was none of this equivocation when V-1 and V-2 rockets were raining down on London. What’s the problem now?

I read Andy McNabb’s book about Desert Storm; I forget the title, but his SAS squad fought their way across the whole country before they got caught. Savvy readers know where Google™ and such things are. Brits remain calm when they’re slitting your throat for being a bad person. Before the coalition invaded Iraq a second time, there were people parading around London holding signs that directly echoed Neville Chamberlain: “Peace In Our Time.” I wonder what those appeasers thought today, fighting the traffic jams as they skirted the miracle that no one else was killed in pursuit of dhimmitude and “peace in our time?” Do you think they "get it" yet?


Blogger camojack said...

Hopefully enough of them will "get it", before it gets them...

July 21, 2005 7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately there will always be those, no matter what awful things happen, who will truly believe that if we were only nicer and more inclusive none of those awful things would be happening.

Deluded, but I don't think they'll be going away any time soon.

July 21, 2005 8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will never "get it".My hopes are that oneday they will "get it".

July 21, 2005 10:26 PM  

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