Friday, July 02, 2010

Red Liz revisited (I get mail)

I love and respect my liberal friends, but sometimes I try too hard. Case in point:

Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 23:19:55 -0400
To: [Red Liz]
Subject: A serious question

You're still my best source for an unabashed liberal point of view on things.

How's this Bobama thing working out for you?


From: [Red Liz]
Date: 02-Jul-10 7:30:24 AM
Subject: RE: A serious question

A hell of a lot better than McCain and Palin would be.
But seriously though...I wish Pres. Obama would be stronger against the GOP in Congress and not be so willing to compromise. In this violent new political climate, I fear that compromise = weakness. If he was more trenched in and stuck harder to his principles, maybe more things would be resolved. But that's just me.

And if you think I'm an unabashed parents make me look like you.

Hope all is well with you and yours.

From: Possumtrot
Date: 02-Jul-10 2:38:03 PM
To: [Red Liz]
Subject: RE: A serious question

What the hell? The man has had an unprecedented opportunity in Congress, with majorities in both houses. He never had it so good! (And he never will again, come November. That's about 124 days, give or take a couple.) I haven't seen him "compromise" on anything so far; his goal has been to advance his socialist agenda. The only thing that's slowed him down has been bureaucracy and the machinations of the career politicians who place reelection over the common welfare. That "bipartisan consensus", "post-partisan" crap of the campaign was just that: bullshit.

I was rather hoping you'd state a realization that Bobama's policies are running contrary to the will and welfare of the people. Unemployment is at a record high. Housing—and the ripple effect—are at a record low. Even the socialist utopian leaders of Eurabia cautioned Bobama at the recent failed G-20 summit that he must rein in spending; he can't continue writing checks with his mouth that our asses can't cash. Instead, I'm gathering an implication from your reply that you think a little more federal spending is suddenly, miraculously going to solve everything.

If you want to see something more disturbing than the web-cam at the BP well, go take a look at the national debt clock. [Google™ it!] We're rapidly reaching a point where the balance will tip, and the national debt will become totally un-repayable. When we declare bankruptcy, we'll have to back that declaration with military force, and the entire world will be thrown into chaos. (You can't collect a debt when someone shoves a gun in your face and says "F--k you!", and we still have the biggest guns.)

You know that I have an ingrained disdain for both of The Big Two. There's not a nickle's worth of difference between Dems and the GOP. They're all a bunch of careerists who seek nothing more than a lifetime sinecure, and screw anybody whose ass they have to step on to climb a bit higher and retain office. Their only thought of tomorrow is the next election result. Their notion of "public service" is that the public is here to serve them; not the other way around. The cynicism and ruthlessness of politicians makes my career as a paid assassin look saintly in comparison.

By the way, when you speak of "this violent new political climate", who exactly is being violent? Was it the Black Panthers, who stood outside the polls in '08 with truncheons and ran white folks away from exercising their constitutional rights? Was it the SEIU thugs who trashed an independent entrepreneur for handing out American flag pins and bumper stickers at a Tea Party protest? Was it the misguided youths smashing storefronts at the G-20 confab in Toronto? (I thought not. Are you buying into [Minister of Homeland Security] Napolitano's myth that disaffected Army vets are potential terrorists because we can manufacture an IED and hit what we aim at? No one wants Bobama dead, but 59% of the people in this country don't want him to be president any longer.)

Bobama has already conceded the loss of Congress this year; he's looking to 2012 for his own reelection. The massive housecleaning that's about to take place, and the one that will follow year after next, reflects the true will of the American people. Bobama is already floating proposals of amnesty for illegal aliens, to expand the Dem voting base. He has lost the moderates, the independents, and even the far Left—who, like you, don't think he's moved fast enough to cement the death grip of socialism on what's left of the country.

Oh, yes, and a recent poll indicates he's lost the Jewish vote, owing to his alienation of Israel and pandering to the Islamic fanaticism of his ideological brethren. Talk about "weakness"! The only straw he has left to grasp is the gratitude of the wetbacks for an amnesty and open border, and last night's gunfight near Nogales should tell you how that'll work out in the long run.

That $100 bill is still under the paperweight atop my desk. I'll put it up this far in advance that Bobama is a one-trick pony; he won't get reelected in '12.

I am astounded—but not completely surprised—that you continue to hold faith with this failed president. As Hunter Thompson said: "Buy the ticket, take the ride." It speaks well of you personally that you'll stand by what you believe, but it's shocking that someone of your intelligence will continue to believe in the false promises borne of a political campaign. Campaign promises are like parking tickets; the longer you take to pay them off, the more expensive they become.

Dangerous though assumption may be, I'll assume you know this may be fodder for the next blog post. As with General McChrystal, nothing is personal or totally off the record. (After all, I learned my journalistic standards from Rolling Stone.) Please keep me posted, and let me know when the epiphany arrives regarding our new messiah.

I'll take that comment about the liberalism of your parents making you look like me as a compliment. I'm sure the Rosenbergs meant well when they handed over the nuclear secrets in the 1950s. It was all done for a better world, and utopia is a common dream.

Let me know when the betrayal hits home.



Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Now that Obama is President, the lib Dems are saying how good things are and how much worse they would be if McCain was President. They live in a world of delusion and denial.

July 02, 2010 3:06 PM  
Blogger Nylecoj said...

comprimise?! snort, giggle

July 02, 2010 5:05 PM  
Blogger camojack said...

Someone posted the following on Facebook today:

"...still luvin' me sum Obama."

One part of my response was as follows:

A goodly amount of the suckers who voted for that empty suit are experiencing "buyer's remorse".

July 02, 2010 7:56 PM  

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