Greasy people; oily thoughts
The noted sportswriter Red Barber once remarked that his job in journalism was easy. “All I have to do is roll a blank sheet of paper into the typewriter, sit there, and wait for the blood to come out of my forehead.”
This isn’t journalism, and I haven’t played a journalist on TV for years, but I know the feeling Mr. Barber spoke of.
It’s right at two months into the Gulf of Mexico disaster, and my thoughts about it have been as murky as beachfront property in Louisiana. I tried to send an audio bonus to Constant Readers last week; a 13-minute song to tell them I was still on the job, and listening to what I considered significant music while I chased my muse. The song had too many megabytes for most ISPs, and was rejected by everyone’s server. Copies of the lyrics went out with notices that this post is up on UPI. (If you’re a drive-by and would like to become a Constant Reader, send me an e-mail saying so. The link is in my profile, at right.)
Let’s start with an e-mail from a Constant Reader:
-------Original Message-------
Date: 14-Jun-10 2:34:36 PM
Subject: The ineptness is criminal
“If you read the comments at this link, the devastation of the Gulf becomes clearer. Federal delays and red tape, mismanagement, failure to use proffered help from the beginning, etc., have destroyed southern Louisiana's (and the nation's) economy i[n] multiple ways. The six-month moratorium has compounded the problems. ACORN-like paid volunteers spend more time taking breaks than being effective while genuine, knowledgeable volunteers are being turned away by the feds.
I am furious. Top-down criminal negligence and dithering cannot be tolerated. How many economic sectors does this adolescent playboy want to destroy?”
From: Possumtrot
Date: 16-Jun-10 4:20:41 PM
Subject: Re: The ineptness is criminal
I like the term "adolescent playboy." I think it's a totally inadequate term for the gravity of what's going on; JFK and RFK were adolescent playboys when they were handing poor Norma Jean around like a joint at a '60s rock concert. Willie the Zipper was an adolescent playboy with his "bimbo eruptions."
Bobama is a sinister entity trying to single-handedly destroy America, or at least weaken us to the point that his Muslim/Communist masters can gain irrevocable power over our ability to determine our future.
I no longer give the benefit of the doubt that Bobama is an inept dipshit. I have an institutional mind-set for conspiracy theories, and so tend to self-skepticism, but I've become convinced that the SOB is either waging a racist, one-man jihad, or acting on alien orders. My apolitical significant other is even more certain of this, and actually surpassed me in ruthlessness the other night when she said she wouldn't flinch if Bobama got himself assassinated. Maybe my past has softened me, but I think impeachment is the order of the day. I'm already reduced to a Third World mentality, because I wouldn't flinch if a coup was in order.
We have gone that far into the gutter.
I’ll stand by what I said in that e-mail. China now owns 900 billion dollars [$900,000,000,000; lots of zeros, huh?] of our national debt, and is willing to accept payment in mineral and other natural resource rights, and probably some prime real estate. Does anyone remember the 1980s, when there was a sudden realization that the Japanese were buying up huge chunks of America?
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Last night, the president was on TV, breaking his own precedent for never giving an address from The Oval Orifice. I have a game board called “Obama’s [Bullfeathers] Bingo” that someone sent me. I printed it out, put it into a document protector, and gathered a cup of quarters to mark the squares during a presidential pronouncement. It sounds childish, but playing along at home at least makes it tolerable to listen to Bobama’s utterances. (The board consists of frequent clichés deployed by The Red Herring; when you get five in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, you win the prize of being empowered to stand up and yell “BULLSHIT!” at the top of your lungs.)
I had nine quarters on the board last night; four of them were placed in the first five minutes of his “reassuring” speech. I didn’t get a “bingo”, but I still muttered “bullshit!” numerous times as he babbled on in his best Harvard rhetorical style. Skilled demographic analysts showed that I am not alone in my disdain for the efficacy of Bobama’s speech, but given my predisposition to loathing of petty, tin-god socialist despots, it doesn’t take much to trigger my disaffection.
Going back to the e-mail reply I’m standing by, allow me elucidate a couple of points:
I sincerely believe Bobama—my newest moniker for El Presidente; not as disrespectful as the Ted-Kennedy-inspired “Osama Bamalama”…without the “.” behind the “B”, it is his name, after all—is embarked on a conscious crusade to weaken this country. Whether he believes that the humility borne of weakness would serve us better diplomatically, or he is acting on behalf of a more sinister purpose embodied by radical Islam’s long-term goal of global domination, his means and end remain a detriment to America.
When the BP oil rig blew up in April, Bobama immediately declared a moratorium on offshore oil drilling, rescinding his previous announcement that new permits for such drilling would be issued. Now, outcries are beginning to be heard that this moratorium will harm the Gulf region—and ultimately America—as much as the oil spill itself. The bottom line is, by refusing to explore and exploit our own natural resources, we become even more dependent on foreign oil supplies. Besides Russia, who controls most of those petroleum resources? Why, the predominantly Muslim Arabs, of course. It’s become a stereotype: when you think of “petrodollars”, you think of a swarthy guy wearing a bathrobe, with a tablecloth wrapped around his head and a camel in the parking lot. Although these guys were something of a joke until the late 1960s, the OPEC embargo of the ‘70s woke us up to the fact that they hold a great deal of power, and if they get off the ideological reservation, this can become a problem. The Islamic tenet of dhimmitude—subservience by infidels who are not liquidated in the name of Allah—is not a joke. Just as Soviet Premier Khrushchev proclaimed the inevitability of communist domination, so do today’s radical Muslims swear that the domination of Islam will occur. Owing to whatever missteps of history and circumstance you’d care to ascribe, those people are now in a position to make it happen.
Diplomatic and economic bargains are best arrived at from positions of power. If both sides have “nothing to prove”, so to speak, then they can arrive at mutual accommodations. If one side is dying of thirst, face down in the desert sand, then the other side, holding the canteen, becomes a god. Self-preservation should be based upon self-sufficiency, not begging for mercy.
There is not, nor will there ever be, any proof that Bobama is a closet Muslim. As I told a “birther” a while back, even if there is anything tenable to such a far-fetched idea, steps will have been taken to make discovery and disclosure impossible. Still, his do-nothing attitude toward Iranian development of nuclear weapons, and his proactive inactions toward increasing American dependency on foreign oil largesse, do nothing to dispel the notion that he is acting on behalf of forces that are totally antipathetic to the idea and ideals of America. Four trips to the Gulf coast, and the subsequent photo-ops, have not stopped one barrel of oil from gushing into the water there. Why is it only today—16 June—that he is meeting with the chairman of BP? Why have other oil companies—like the Dutch and Norwegian enterprises—who have a great deal of expertise in controlling oil spills, not been contacted? Why has there not been an executive order rescinding the prohibition on foreign-flag vessels sailing into Gulf waters and pitching in on capping this horrendous gusher?
A pundit gave a very succinct summation last night, after the “reassurance” speech: “The only affirmative action proposed by the Obama administration is increased taxes and a takeover of the petroleum industry.”
“I no longer give the benefit of the doubt that Bobama is an inept dipshit.” Yeah, I’m on the fringe of going from “PG-13” to “R” with my rhetoric, but, you the casual reader have never perused my personal communications. I save my big words for these columns, and use the shorthand of thug-prose for my casual speech. I do tend to self-skepticism when it comes to conspiracy theories of assessments of “the bigger picture”, but my gut is telling me that Bobama is not a bumbling idiot trying to affect the ivory-tower theories of his ideological mentors. There is something darker in play here.
Jimmy Carter was an inept dipshit. He got to The White House on the basis of being an outsider in the wake of Watergate and Gerald Ford’s placid caretaking. Carter was an absolute disaster, paving the way for the greatest presidency of the 20th century: Ronald Reagan’s administration.
Much has been lost since then, especially the path of greatness that America trod for the previous 200 tears. Compared to Bobama, Jimmy Carter was a paragon of ethics, morality, and efficiency. I think perhaps Mr. Jimmy meant well, but he got eaten alive by the sharks that swim in De Cesspool.
Finally, it was pointed out last night that blaming the previous administration may play well in the election campaign, but if you get elected, continuing to blame the previous administration implies that you are going to rectify the problem. I have seen nothing forthcoming from any corner of the current government except suggestions about increased taxes, expansion of said government into the oil business, and a lot of finger-pointing and demonization of capitalism. Yes, BP is to blame for this disaster, but as I pointed out long before the TV pundits seized on it, when it was stated to me that “It’ll be a long time before I fill my car up at BP station again”, if we give in to collective—and mainstream-media-generated—anger and boycott BP into bankruptcy, we, the taxpayers, will end up footing the bill to clean this mess up.
I haven’t said half of what I wanted to here, and not nearly as clearly as I’d like to have said it. However, if you read between the lines, I think you’ll get my drift. At least it’s not as dense and murky as the oil scum drifting in the Gulf of Mexico tonight while Dudley Do-Nothing makes meaningless, reassuring speeches as he leaves huge carbon footprints with his four trips to the Gulf shore for photo-ops and PR damage control.
This isn’t journalism, and I haven’t played a journalist on TV for years, but I know the feeling Mr. Barber spoke of.
It’s right at two months into the Gulf of Mexico disaster, and my thoughts about it have been as murky as beachfront property in Louisiana. I tried to send an audio bonus to Constant Readers last week; a 13-minute song to tell them I was still on the job, and listening to what I considered significant music while I chased my muse. The song had too many megabytes for most ISPs, and was rejected by everyone’s server. Copies of the lyrics went out with notices that this post is up on UPI. (If you’re a drive-by and would like to become a Constant Reader, send me an e-mail saying so. The link is in my profile, at right.)
Let’s start with an e-mail from a Constant Reader:
-------Original Message-------
Date: 14-Jun-10 2:34:36 PM
Subject: The ineptness is criminal
“If you read the comments at this link, the devastation of the Gulf becomes clearer. Federal delays and red tape, mismanagement, failure to use proffered help from the beginning, etc., have destroyed southern Louisiana's (and the nation's) economy i[n] multiple ways. The six-month moratorium has compounded the problems. ACORN-like paid volunteers spend more time taking breaks than being effective while genuine, knowledgeable volunteers are being turned away by the feds.
I am furious. Top-down criminal negligence and dithering cannot be tolerated. How many economic sectors does this adolescent playboy want to destroy?”
From: Possumtrot
Date: 16-Jun-10 4:20:41 PM
Subject: Re: The ineptness is criminal
I like the term "adolescent playboy." I think it's a totally inadequate term for the gravity of what's going on; JFK and RFK were adolescent playboys when they were handing poor Norma Jean around like a joint at a '60s rock concert. Willie the Zipper was an adolescent playboy with his "bimbo eruptions."
Bobama is a sinister entity trying to single-handedly destroy America, or at least weaken us to the point that his Muslim/Communist masters can gain irrevocable power over our ability to determine our future.
I no longer give the benefit of the doubt that Bobama is an inept dipshit. I have an institutional mind-set for conspiracy theories, and so tend to self-skepticism, but I've become convinced that the SOB is either waging a racist, one-man jihad, or acting on alien orders. My apolitical significant other is even more certain of this, and actually surpassed me in ruthlessness the other night when she said she wouldn't flinch if Bobama got himself assassinated. Maybe my past has softened me, but I think impeachment is the order of the day. I'm already reduced to a Third World mentality, because I wouldn't flinch if a coup was in order.
We have gone that far into the gutter.
I’ll stand by what I said in that e-mail. China now owns 900 billion dollars [$900,000,000,000; lots of zeros, huh?] of our national debt, and is willing to accept payment in mineral and other natural resource rights, and probably some prime real estate. Does anyone remember the 1980s, when there was a sudden realization that the Japanese were buying up huge chunks of America?
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Last night, the president was on TV, breaking his own precedent for never giving an address from The Oval Orifice. I have a game board called “Obama’s [Bullfeathers] Bingo” that someone sent me. I printed it out, put it into a document protector, and gathered a cup of quarters to mark the squares during a presidential pronouncement. It sounds childish, but playing along at home at least makes it tolerable to listen to Bobama’s utterances. (The board consists of frequent clichés deployed by The Red Herring; when you get five in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, you win the prize of being empowered to stand up and yell “BULLSHIT!” at the top of your lungs.)
I had nine quarters on the board last night; four of them were placed in the first five minutes of his “reassuring” speech. I didn’t get a “bingo”, but I still muttered “bullshit!” numerous times as he babbled on in his best Harvard rhetorical style. Skilled demographic analysts showed that I am not alone in my disdain for the efficacy of Bobama’s speech, but given my predisposition to loathing of petty, tin-god socialist despots, it doesn’t take much to trigger my disaffection.
Going back to the e-mail reply I’m standing by, allow me elucidate a couple of points:
I sincerely believe Bobama—my newest moniker for El Presidente; not as disrespectful as the Ted-Kennedy-inspired “Osama Bamalama”…without the “.” behind the “B”, it is his name, after all—is embarked on a conscious crusade to weaken this country. Whether he believes that the humility borne of weakness would serve us better diplomatically, or he is acting on behalf of a more sinister purpose embodied by radical Islam’s long-term goal of global domination, his means and end remain a detriment to America.
When the BP oil rig blew up in April, Bobama immediately declared a moratorium on offshore oil drilling, rescinding his previous announcement that new permits for such drilling would be issued. Now, outcries are beginning to be heard that this moratorium will harm the Gulf region—and ultimately America—as much as the oil spill itself. The bottom line is, by refusing to explore and exploit our own natural resources, we become even more dependent on foreign oil supplies. Besides Russia, who controls most of those petroleum resources? Why, the predominantly Muslim Arabs, of course. It’s become a stereotype: when you think of “petrodollars”, you think of a swarthy guy wearing a bathrobe, with a tablecloth wrapped around his head and a camel in the parking lot. Although these guys were something of a joke until the late 1960s, the OPEC embargo of the ‘70s woke us up to the fact that they hold a great deal of power, and if they get off the ideological reservation, this can become a problem. The Islamic tenet of dhimmitude—subservience by infidels who are not liquidated in the name of Allah—is not a joke. Just as Soviet Premier Khrushchev proclaimed the inevitability of communist domination, so do today’s radical Muslims swear that the domination of Islam will occur. Owing to whatever missteps of history and circumstance you’d care to ascribe, those people are now in a position to make it happen.
Diplomatic and economic bargains are best arrived at from positions of power. If both sides have “nothing to prove”, so to speak, then they can arrive at mutual accommodations. If one side is dying of thirst, face down in the desert sand, then the other side, holding the canteen, becomes a god. Self-preservation should be based upon self-sufficiency, not begging for mercy.
There is not, nor will there ever be, any proof that Bobama is a closet Muslim. As I told a “birther” a while back, even if there is anything tenable to such a far-fetched idea, steps will have been taken to make discovery and disclosure impossible. Still, his do-nothing attitude toward Iranian development of nuclear weapons, and his proactive inactions toward increasing American dependency on foreign oil largesse, do nothing to dispel the notion that he is acting on behalf of forces that are totally antipathetic to the idea and ideals of America. Four trips to the Gulf coast, and the subsequent photo-ops, have not stopped one barrel of oil from gushing into the water there. Why is it only today—16 June—that he is meeting with the chairman of BP? Why have other oil companies—like the Dutch and Norwegian enterprises—who have a great deal of expertise in controlling oil spills, not been contacted? Why has there not been an executive order rescinding the prohibition on foreign-flag vessels sailing into Gulf waters and pitching in on capping this horrendous gusher?
A pundit gave a very succinct summation last night, after the “reassurance” speech: “The only affirmative action proposed by the Obama administration is increased taxes and a takeover of the petroleum industry.”
“I no longer give the benefit of the doubt that Bobama is an inept dipshit.” Yeah, I’m on the fringe of going from “PG-13” to “R” with my rhetoric, but, you the casual reader have never perused my personal communications. I save my big words for these columns, and use the shorthand of thug-prose for my casual speech. I do tend to self-skepticism when it comes to conspiracy theories of assessments of “the bigger picture”, but my gut is telling me that Bobama is not a bumbling idiot trying to affect the ivory-tower theories of his ideological mentors. There is something darker in play here.
Jimmy Carter was an inept dipshit. He got to The White House on the basis of being an outsider in the wake of Watergate and Gerald Ford’s placid caretaking. Carter was an absolute disaster, paving the way for the greatest presidency of the 20th century: Ronald Reagan’s administration.
Much has been lost since then, especially the path of greatness that America trod for the previous 200 tears. Compared to Bobama, Jimmy Carter was a paragon of ethics, morality, and efficiency. I think perhaps Mr. Jimmy meant well, but he got eaten alive by the sharks that swim in De Cesspool.
Finally, it was pointed out last night that blaming the previous administration may play well in the election campaign, but if you get elected, continuing to blame the previous administration implies that you are going to rectify the problem. I have seen nothing forthcoming from any corner of the current government except suggestions about increased taxes, expansion of said government into the oil business, and a lot of finger-pointing and demonization of capitalism. Yes, BP is to blame for this disaster, but as I pointed out long before the TV pundits seized on it, when it was stated to me that “It’ll be a long time before I fill my car up at BP station again”, if we give in to collective—and mainstream-media-generated—anger and boycott BP into bankruptcy, we, the taxpayers, will end up footing the bill to clean this mess up.
I haven’t said half of what I wanted to here, and not nearly as clearly as I’d like to have said it. However, if you read between the lines, I think you’ll get my drift. At least it’s not as dense and murky as the oil scum drifting in the Gulf of Mexico tonight while Dudley Do-Nothing makes meaningless, reassuring speeches as he leaves huge carbon footprints with his four trips to the Gulf shore for photo-ops and PR damage control.
I'll still fill my Harley at the BP station; it's the cheapest (name brand) gas station in my town...and the closest.
After all, cost effectiveness counts for something...
"my gut is telling me that Bobama is not a bumbling idiot trying to affect the ivory-tower theories of his ideological mentors. There is something darker in play here."
I agree whole-heartedly. Bobama is a sinister, deceptive pawn in the hands of his wealthy ideological masters. He is implementing their plans so they can make even more money than they already have.
Good move, Jack! I worked in a BP station in the late '60s, pumping gas when it was 28¢ a gallon.
If we bankrupt BP now, with a reflexive boycott, then who do you think Bobama will pass the cost of "compassionate recovery" along to?
BP screwed up, and they should compensate everyone harmed by this disaster. The proper role of government in this matter is to make sure they do so, and to get the hell out of the way of those experts who are trying to cap this runaway well.
Hawkeye: money doesn't matter to these people. It isn't a real entity. There is privilege associated with power, like the dachas of Soviet Russia, but my dark visions of current events suggest that theology, power, and genocidal tyranny are in play, not material gain.
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