Sunday, September 02, 2007

Reading the file...

The file is my father’s murder file. As of today, barring some miracle breakthrough on the case, I am giving it up. I started the year hearing too much rhetoric about John Wayne’s 100th birthday. I got onto the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department and the GBI [Georgia Bureau of Investigation.] For the last time, I played my “victim card”.

Come December 12th, my father would have been 100 years old. I don’t know that he would have made it; his health was bad, in spite of beating cancer four times. What he was entitled to was what the Bible calls “The fullness of [his] days”. He was denied this. At the age of 79, he was gunned down like one of Michael Vick’s dogs in the driveway of our family home.

The detective—who is incredibly young, by my standards—thought he had removed all of the crime-scene photographs, so nothing would jump out at me. He was wrong; he missed one. I am not a delicate creature; I have seen dead people before.

I now have names; people in West Virginia. One of them, maybe the shooter, is dead. Hit by a truck, perhaps there is a God who acts as overseer on our human plantation. The other is walking around free as a jaybird.

One other thing I learned from the file is that my father took the first shot in the arm. I deluded myself for years that he was shot in the head. No, he knew what was coming. He was a War II veteran. In spite of his willingness to give a wallet up—it’s only money, take it—he was shot down like a dog. He was not alone; there were three other victims. Forensics were not the cat’s ass in those days; one thing I learned from reading Dad’s file was that he took the first one in the shoulder and fell wounded. It was the the bruising and bleeding that showed the first one; the two head shots stopped everything, and he didn't suffer any longer. I had assured myself for years that it was all head shots: boom, boom, out go the lights. As with most things in my life, I am wrong.

The Van Susteren vampire has no interest in this case, as it’s not a fresh kill and doesn’t involve a vacation to Aruba. Thanks to my neighbors, but writing to her was a blow-out.

“Gee, that’s intriguing. What can I do for you?”

I only want one thing from one person. Step up and ‘fess. The file is full of pictures of people I think I knew from my rock’n roll days. The strongest suspect is dead, and his older brother is walking around bragging up north.

As of the end of August—the end of summer—I am giving up the pursuit of my father’s killer. No more letters to congressmen or Senators. No more letters to the editor. I give up; you win, you successfully murdered my father.

I know your name, but you have gotten away with murder.

Reading the file has given me deep insight. I have names. If you didn’t do it or put your younger brother up to it, I might still come for you. There is another name, and the focus may not lie where it appears. All things appear before the throne of God, and you are no exception.

You thought you got away clean. You are wrong. I will clean this up, so help me.

I name names because they need it. I am ready to name names on the Internet. The cops have made a mighty effort; I won’t denounce them as incompetent or not trying; they just don’t have a lot to work with.

I am counting…hoping…on one more miracle from the cop shop. Then, I have some names that I will put up on The Net. Taking people public is about the last thing I want to do. I can cop a good slander case if I’m wrong. The strongest suspect is dead. His brother is walking around loose, maybe trying to live with what he put his younger brother up to. I am looking at things from a different point of view; the cops may be completely off base, and I have learned something that raises a really big question about people who were present at the murder scene.

This isn’t over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get it, is it over or isn't it?

Sounds like sour grapes to me.

Love always,


September 03, 2007 11:29 AM  
Blogger Robert said...

A murder case has no statute of limitations, Liger. I am giving up active pursuit and general hell-raising, but it will never be over until someone rides the lightning. I don't have any brothers or sisters, so I am the sole voice who speaks for my father and the other victims.

Some day tragedy will wade into the shallows of your life. I don't know what you mean by "sour grapes". If it's disappointment in accepted standards of law enforcement, yes, I feel let down. My father may have been a simple victim of white-trash trailer scum like yourself. There may be something more sinister involved. Thanks for keeping your comment clean, if indecipherable.

Should you care to explain what "sour grapes" means, I have a open mind and forum.

In the meantime, I am prey to despair, but I will never let this thing go. While a walk through the depths of your soul might barely get my toes damp, perhaps one day you will understand the enmormity of what has been done. As much as we disagree and share a mutual loathing, I can never wish such heartbreak upon you. Age and wisdom will temper you.

Still your whipping boy here at UPI;

Uncle Possum

September 03, 2007 3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"One of them, maybe the shooter, is dead. Hit by a truck, perhaps there is a God who acts as overseer on our human plantation."

I truly hope that poetic justice was indeed served.

September 04, 2007 12:34 AM  
Blogger Beerme said...

We missed ya at the 'fest, Possum!
Hope you learned some things from the file that will help.

Consider yourself rather important to have inherited the megatroll from Scrappleface!

September 04, 2007 4:01 PM  
Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Hey Possum,
Sorry I haven't been by in awhile. I was off with the Scrapplers over the weekend and real busy since I came back. God's blessings be upon you good sir.

As you've said, we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ... your father's murderers included. God have mercy on their souls. Eternal damnation and hellfire is not a thing to be trifled with.

May you be filled with the peace that passes all understanding. May you find rest in the arms of a loving God and Savior. May your thirst be quenched by the living streams which spring forth from the throne of God.

Your friend,
Jim (aka Hawkeye)

September 07, 2007 8:47 PM  

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