Too much news...
This was going to be specifically about last Tuesday’s off-year elections and what they might—hopefully—herald, but once again more pressing news has overridden the thoughts of the moment. We’ll keep the optimism brief.
National attention was focused on two governor’s races and a congressional election. Conservatives went two-for-three on those, a batting average of .666. Not bad for people who were declared totally marginalized after the great hoodwink of last November. The symbolic significance of that batting average is not lost; the “666” Number of The Beast is also associated with apocalypse, which is what the Democritters are facing next November if they don’t cure their cranial-rectal inversion and become responsive to the people of this country. I’ve been hearing phrases like “mid-term revolution” and “electoral bloodbath” tossed about; it is to smile and hope.
What broadened my smile was the denial coming out from Madame Botox and the White House. Robert Gibbs, speaking for The Red Herring, said the elections were local, and don’t portend anything. Nancy Pelosi went several solar systems further, claiming Democritters “won big” by gaining one congressional seat in upstate New York and saving another one in California. If having a couple more rats run aboard a sinking ship is a big win for Those People, then I have no complaint. The arrogance and narcissism of our elected leaders right now is unparalleled. I can’t remember any time in my adult life that the government has been so unresponsive to the will of the people. Granted, this is a nation of laws, not a mob-ruled democracy, but this is a democratic republic, and the laws that govern us are supposed to be in accordance with the will of the majority, not some whimsical legislation dreamed up by pie-in-the-sky ideologues seeking to emulate failed social systems like socialism, fascism, and communism.
In my red neck of the woods, you’re either “fer” something, or you’re “ag’in” it. If Madame Botox wants to channel Cleopatra and be The Queen of Denial, then I’m all fer it. Today or tomorrow is a big vote in Congress on the socialized medicine bill that Dudley Do-nothing is staking his political fortune on. The word is that even with their majority, Those People are hoeing a hard row to come up with enough votes to pass the thing. The Manchurian Candidate’s campaign promise of “transparency” has long since gone into Orwell’s “memory hole” of oblivion; the 1900 page bill—longer than Atlas Shrugged, War and Peace, or The Lord of the Rings trilogy—hasn’t been posted online as Obama and Pelosi promised. I once read Atlas Shrugged in a week, but I was jacked up on acid and speed at the time. (Some books, like Ayn Rand’s novels and Lord of the Rings require re-reading every three years or so. I mostly do this sober and straight these days. War and Peace was a one-shot read.) Even if Those People had bothered to put the bill online for the promised 72 hours, it’s so obtuse and convoluted that no one—even those freakish speed readers who can handle a page every five seconds—could understand the ramifications of it. Hopefully, when they ram this legislation down our throats and commandeer one-fifth of the nation’s economy, it will further outrage and energize voters to turn out next year and tell the administration exactly what they think about this political colonoscopy. I have the traditional $100 bill under the paperweight on my desk, and if anyone wants to bet that the status quo will continue past next year to when we un-elect The Red Herring in 2012, I’ll take even money. I’m betting on the American people, not the power-mad spin-masters in DC, to initiate real change. My liberal friends know better than to bet against me, so please be advised.
If Those People want to continue believing that everything is dandy and they have some sort of imaginary mandate for their social engineering experiments, then I can’t wait to see the expressions on their faces next year when a lot of incumbents suddenly have to join the ranks of the 10% unemployed in America.
Two things close to home give me even further confidence in the common sense of the people to overcome the fraud of “progressive” ideology. The first is several conversations I’ve had recently with Miz Possum, who is notoriously apolitical. She has admitted to being uncertain, frightened, and disappointed about “change we can count on.” The second is from The Older Daughter, who lives on The Left Coast and is cast more in the mold of Madonna’s Material Girl than in Sarah Palin’s earth-mother persona. In a telephone conversation last week, she griped that unemployment in California is at 20%, outstripping her mom’s home state of Michigan, which is publicly proclaimed to be the nation’s highest at 15%. When asked if she thought Obama would be re-elected in 2012, the reply was an emphatic “Hell NO!”
I rest my case.
In other news, the horror at Fort Hood is still unfolding. The Red Herring has already been on TV urging the public to “not jump to conclusions” about the shooter. I have a policy of not mentioning the names of mass murderers or serial killers, because some deformed gene in the public consciousness makes us treat them like rock stars, and I don’t want to add to that sickness. However, it’s germane to state the name of the Ft. Hood shooter: Nidal Malik Hasan. He is a lifelong Muslim. According to eyewitnesses, he allegedly shouted “Allah akbar!”—“God is great!”—while shooting over 40 people. He gave away most of his material possessions prior to his rampage, indicating premeditation. His pistols weren’t just lying around waiting to be picked up and used in a sudden act of madness, they had to be smuggled onto the base. Is there some conclusion besides the obvious that we should not jump to? This was as much an act of terrorism as flying an airliner into a skyscraper.
Time, Newsweek, and Dr. Phil are already trying to spin this tragedy away from the obvious motive. They seek to somehow blame George Bush, the horrors of war, and secondhand PTSD for this man’s insanity. Hasan’s uncle Rafiq expresses amazement that his nephew even knew how to handle a firearm, and then laments that the American-born Army Major couldn’t read the Koran in Arabic. (Hello, Rafiq! Last time I checked, every member of the American military is given some rudimentary weapons instruction in basic training. The Marines train everyone as a rifleman first, with any other MOS as a necessary option. During the Battle of the Bulge, the Army clerks and cooks were grabbing their rifles and heading to the front lines to stop the German onslaught. If every 12-year-old kid in the Third World has an AK-47 and knows how to use it, why is it a surprise that a US Army officer knows how to lock and load a weapon?)
If anything contrary to my conclusions about Major Hasan’s actions comes out, I will be truly amazed. I have been wrong about many things before, and I wouldn’t mind being wrong about this. If Hasan acted out of cowardice and madness, it would take some heat off the four million innocent Muslims living in America. By their failure to speak out condemning terrorist acts by Islamic radicals, such homegrown Muslim groups as CAIR [Council on American-Islamic Relations] and others have added to the inherent suspicion and prejudice against Muslims in general since the 9/11 attacks. This is unfortunate in a country where one of our guiding principles is freedom of religion. No one should be persecuted because they call The Higher Power “Allah” instead of “God”, but when all one sees on an almost daily basis is murder and condemnation coming from one religious sect targeting another, it gets difficult to remember that many don’t believe in that aspect of Islam. In these matters, silence equals tacit approval, and will be interpreted as such by a majority of “non-believers” in The Prophet. Americans are not known for subtle or nuanced responses when things become too much to tolerate, and the eventual backlash may be as tragic as the event at Fort Hood.
To close on a lighter note: They’re commissioning the USS New York today! I take a kid’s delight in this; it’s so cool! The details of the ship’s crest, with the bars signifying the Twin Towers and the motto “Never Forget” denote the spirit of America before The Manchurian Candidate’s fraud. The bow being made from steel salvaged from the World Trade Center is an outstanding message to the rest of the world. I supported an earlier idea that was floated to strike service medals for the military out of the scrap metal from the WTC; the New York is a beautiful ship, and this is a better idea. Medals get lost over time, whether they mean little or a lot to the recipients. An earlier battleship bearing the New York moniker was sunk by friendly fire after War II; I doubt we’ll use the new incarnation for target practice when it’s outmoded for the fleet. Perhaps they will strike those service medals when the New York is retired. Meanwhile, sail on, brave ship!
National attention was focused on two governor’s races and a congressional election. Conservatives went two-for-three on those, a batting average of .666. Not bad for people who were declared totally marginalized after the great hoodwink of last November. The symbolic significance of that batting average is not lost; the “666” Number of The Beast is also associated with apocalypse, which is what the Democritters are facing next November if they don’t cure their cranial-rectal inversion and become responsive to the people of this country. I’ve been hearing phrases like “mid-term revolution” and “electoral bloodbath” tossed about; it is to smile and hope.
What broadened my smile was the denial coming out from Madame Botox and the White House. Robert Gibbs, speaking for The Red Herring, said the elections were local, and don’t portend anything. Nancy Pelosi went several solar systems further, claiming Democritters “won big” by gaining one congressional seat in upstate New York and saving another one in California. If having a couple more rats run aboard a sinking ship is a big win for Those People, then I have no complaint. The arrogance and narcissism of our elected leaders right now is unparalleled. I can’t remember any time in my adult life that the government has been so unresponsive to the will of the people. Granted, this is a nation of laws, not a mob-ruled democracy, but this is a democratic republic, and the laws that govern us are supposed to be in accordance with the will of the majority, not some whimsical legislation dreamed up by pie-in-the-sky ideologues seeking to emulate failed social systems like socialism, fascism, and communism.
In my red neck of the woods, you’re either “fer” something, or you’re “ag’in” it. If Madame Botox wants to channel Cleopatra and be The Queen of Denial, then I’m all fer it. Today or tomorrow is a big vote in Congress on the socialized medicine bill that Dudley Do-nothing is staking his political fortune on. The word is that even with their majority, Those People are hoeing a hard row to come up with enough votes to pass the thing. The Manchurian Candidate’s campaign promise of “transparency” has long since gone into Orwell’s “memory hole” of oblivion; the 1900 page bill—longer than Atlas Shrugged, War and Peace, or The Lord of the Rings trilogy—hasn’t been posted online as Obama and Pelosi promised. I once read Atlas Shrugged in a week, but I was jacked up on acid and speed at the time. (Some books, like Ayn Rand’s novels and Lord of the Rings require re-reading every three years or so. I mostly do this sober and straight these days. War and Peace was a one-shot read.) Even if Those People had bothered to put the bill online for the promised 72 hours, it’s so obtuse and convoluted that no one—even those freakish speed readers who can handle a page every five seconds—could understand the ramifications of it. Hopefully, when they ram this legislation down our throats and commandeer one-fifth of the nation’s economy, it will further outrage and energize voters to turn out next year and tell the administration exactly what they think about this political colonoscopy. I have the traditional $100 bill under the paperweight on my desk, and if anyone wants to bet that the status quo will continue past next year to when we un-elect The Red Herring in 2012, I’ll take even money. I’m betting on the American people, not the power-mad spin-masters in DC, to initiate real change. My liberal friends know better than to bet against me, so please be advised.
If Those People want to continue believing that everything is dandy and they have some sort of imaginary mandate for their social engineering experiments, then I can’t wait to see the expressions on their faces next year when a lot of incumbents suddenly have to join the ranks of the 10% unemployed in America.
Two things close to home give me even further confidence in the common sense of the people to overcome the fraud of “progressive” ideology. The first is several conversations I’ve had recently with Miz Possum, who is notoriously apolitical. She has admitted to being uncertain, frightened, and disappointed about “change we can count on.” The second is from The Older Daughter, who lives on The Left Coast and is cast more in the mold of Madonna’s Material Girl than in Sarah Palin’s earth-mother persona. In a telephone conversation last week, she griped that unemployment in California is at 20%, outstripping her mom’s home state of Michigan, which is publicly proclaimed to be the nation’s highest at 15%. When asked if she thought Obama would be re-elected in 2012, the reply was an emphatic “Hell NO!”
I rest my case.
In other news, the horror at Fort Hood is still unfolding. The Red Herring has already been on TV urging the public to “not jump to conclusions” about the shooter. I have a policy of not mentioning the names of mass murderers or serial killers, because some deformed gene in the public consciousness makes us treat them like rock stars, and I don’t want to add to that sickness. However, it’s germane to state the name of the Ft. Hood shooter: Nidal Malik Hasan. He is a lifelong Muslim. According to eyewitnesses, he allegedly shouted “Allah akbar!”—“God is great!”—while shooting over 40 people. He gave away most of his material possessions prior to his rampage, indicating premeditation. His pistols weren’t just lying around waiting to be picked up and used in a sudden act of madness, they had to be smuggled onto the base. Is there some conclusion besides the obvious that we should not jump to? This was as much an act of terrorism as flying an airliner into a skyscraper.
Time, Newsweek, and Dr. Phil are already trying to spin this tragedy away from the obvious motive. They seek to somehow blame George Bush, the horrors of war, and secondhand PTSD for this man’s insanity. Hasan’s uncle Rafiq expresses amazement that his nephew even knew how to handle a firearm, and then laments that the American-born Army Major couldn’t read the Koran in Arabic. (Hello, Rafiq! Last time I checked, every member of the American military is given some rudimentary weapons instruction in basic training. The Marines train everyone as a rifleman first, with any other MOS as a necessary option. During the Battle of the Bulge, the Army clerks and cooks were grabbing their rifles and heading to the front lines to stop the German onslaught. If every 12-year-old kid in the Third World has an AK-47 and knows how to use it, why is it a surprise that a US Army officer knows how to lock and load a weapon?)
If anything contrary to my conclusions about Major Hasan’s actions comes out, I will be truly amazed. I have been wrong about many things before, and I wouldn’t mind being wrong about this. If Hasan acted out of cowardice and madness, it would take some heat off the four million innocent Muslims living in America. By their failure to speak out condemning terrorist acts by Islamic radicals, such homegrown Muslim groups as CAIR [Council on American-Islamic Relations] and others have added to the inherent suspicion and prejudice against Muslims in general since the 9/11 attacks. This is unfortunate in a country where one of our guiding principles is freedom of religion. No one should be persecuted because they call The Higher Power “Allah” instead of “God”, but when all one sees on an almost daily basis is murder and condemnation coming from one religious sect targeting another, it gets difficult to remember that many don’t believe in that aspect of Islam. In these matters, silence equals tacit approval, and will be interpreted as such by a majority of “non-believers” in The Prophet. Americans are not known for subtle or nuanced responses when things become too much to tolerate, and the eventual backlash may be as tragic as the event at Fort Hood.
To close on a lighter note: They’re commissioning the USS New York today! I take a kid’s delight in this; it’s so cool! The details of the ship’s crest, with the bars signifying the Twin Towers and the motto “Never Forget” denote the spirit of America before The Manchurian Candidate’s fraud. The bow being made from steel salvaged from the World Trade Center is an outstanding message to the rest of the world. I supported an earlier idea that was floated to strike service medals for the military out of the scrap metal from the WTC; the New York is a beautiful ship, and this is a better idea. Medals get lost over time, whether they mean little or a lot to the recipients. An earlier battleship bearing the New York moniker was sunk by friendly fire after War II; I doubt we’ll use the new incarnation for target practice when it’s outmoded for the fleet. Perhaps they will strike those service medals when the New York is retired. Meanwhile, sail on, brave ship!
Regarding Obama getting re-elected, it seems increasingly unlikely...but he (and his "fellow travelers") might do a lot of damage during the remainder of his term.
November 2010 (and 2012) can't come fast enough, in that respect...
Your title"Too Much News " sums the Duddly Do Nothing administration up in a NUT shell (An ACORN Shell)
Ever since the 0 hole was sworn into office there has been too much news. No one can keep up . Fox tries ,but even they are always one day behind.
I'm not paranoid ,though everyone says I am, but I don't think this news is just happening. Every time 0's plans are at critical mass ,something even bigger always blows up.
I think this time they have gone too far. They may think they can cover this up and pretend the Islamofascist who murdered 13 of our precious unarmed Heroes is just a nut job acting all on his own,but I don't believe it and there are many others who agree with me.There will ba a serious ,honest investigation of this and they had better tell us the truth.
If the Muslims in America don't like it ,they had better stand up and say something besides ," Oh that's too bad." If that shoe fits Duddly, his feet of clay ,may be washed away.
To be fair and balanced, CAIR immediately condemned the act. Of course they will also be the first organization that complains when someone "unfairly" links Islam with the terrorist act. Plain and simple: it was an act of terrorism by another Muslim.
Good post. Covers a lot of ground as your title suggests. The socialists in DC are a real concern. I can only hope that "Zero" is indeed a "Dudley Do Nothing". Doing nothing and accomplishing nothing on his agenda would be just fine with me. I "hope" that more Americans wake up to the implications of what these people are trying to do, and bring us some real "change" in 2010.
As you probably know, I've joined the ranks of the unemployed, and I was thrilled to learn that Jon Corzine can now say he has something in common with little guys like me.
I am tempted to say that the Fort Hood incident was a senseless tragedy, but like you, I think it was pre-meditated and therefore "senseless" doesn't quite seem to fit, does it? We will have to wait to learn his motives, but the evidence is certainly damaging. According to the New York magazine, "Federal law enforcement identified Hasan as a potential threat as many as six months ago after he posted on the Internet about suicide bombings..." I don't know why such things are not taken more seriously.
God's blessings on the USS New York and her crew.
Best regards...
CAIR may have spoken up on this one, but they are identified by the Middle East Media Research Institute [MEMRI] as a prime offender when it comes to sins of ommission in condemning Islamic terrorist acts.
I suspect CAIR, like Dr. Phil and the lamestream media, is looking to deflect the real cause-and-effect relationship between Islam and Hasan's actions. Since this was a lone gunman, they can write him off as a nut case who was coincidentally a Muslim. If it's established there was a conspiracy of two or more Muslims involved, it would instantly remove any lingering doubts.
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