Thursday, November 05, 2009

Good to be back...

How nice to return to cyberspace after an enforced absence, and find the Internet as we know it still here! I was vaguely worried that one of The Red Herring’s czars—specifically Cass Sunstein, the Minister of Regulation—might have jumped in to shut down freedom of speech and dissent from the Fourth Reich. We take so many cues from China and North Korea, where children sing praises to Fearless Leader in government schools; I wouldn’t have been totally amazed to find this blog shut down as somehow seditious.

As Constant Readers already know, I had to go on hiatus over Halloween. My much-abused computer, HAL-9000, developed a problem. The hard drive finally gave up the ghost, and had to be replaced. I had my intrepid computer technician/chainsaw mechanic install a new one with five times the memory, and quadruple my RAM while she was replacing stuff. (My local computer store really does repair chainsaws as well; it’s a mom-and-pop operation in the same building. She works on computers and he does the chainsaws and other power tools in a separate workshop.)

There was a lot to comment on while I was away. It seemed that every day I would wake up to some new governmental outrage. Some were absurd, and some were critical. There was nothing to do but shrug, mutter “Why are you surprised?” and go back to reading an old-fashioned book or watching the news. The tsunami of socialism continued to wash ashore unabated.

During that time—when computer withdrawal manifested itself physically with boredom, anxiety, insomnia and depression—I came up with yet another affectionate name for President Obama. When it was announced that he is considering sending 20,000 new troops to Afghanistan, instead of the requested 40,000, I flinched and rolled my eyes. “Great! Dudley Do-nothing is weaseling! He’s going to have it both ways. He’s going to provide half of what his general says he needs, and when that fails and he declares defeat, he can whine that he sent more troops when they were requested.”

As yet, the president has done nothing at all about the escalating war in Afghanistan, preferring to blame his predecessor for opening a second front in Iraq and “ignoring” the requirements of the war in Afghanistan. So, my new name is even more appropriate for Obama: Dudley Do-nothing.

This is a president who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize after only twelve days in office. When asked, the Nobel Committee said they decided to award him the prize based on his campaign rhetoric. This was unprecedented, like Obama’s election. Alfred Nobel spun in his grave. He intended his award to be for accomplishments toward world peace, not for someone writing checks with his mouth that his ass can’t cash.

After a year in office, I can recall only one thing that I regard as genuinely presidential to be forthcoming from Barack Hussein Obama (“Mmmm…mmmm!” as the indoctrinated schoolchildren sing). Remember the Somali pirates who seized the Maersk Alabama earlier this year? Do you remember how that affair ended? Navy SEALs were in place, ready to do what they do best, and Commander-in-Chief Obama gave them the “weapons free” order. Seconds later, the pirates were dead and a courageous ship commander was free and unhurt. I was still in “give him a chance” mode, and gave credit where it was due. It was a flash-in-the-pan moment illustrating the kind of power the president must occasionally deploy. Unfortunately, it was a fluke. There wasn’t a photo opportunity, but it was as much a public-relations ploy as the recent photo-op posing at Dover Air Force Base where Dudley Do-nothing solemnly saluted the incoming caskets of servicemen killed in Afghanistan. Later, when he surrenders in Afghanistan and gives Al Qaeda a home base for bringing jihad home to America, he’ll say with a straight face that he couldn’t bear the sight of all those coffins coming back. I guess it’s more progressive to have caskets coming from domestic terror scenes than from foreign wars.

If Osama Bamalama wasn’t so busy feuding with FOX News, pushing an economic takeover agenda that no one besides George Soros wants, and posing for photos with losing Democrat candidates to forestall the inevitable, he might find the time to actually address some of the urgent issues on his desk. That desk is the one where Harry Truman had that little sign saying “The buck stops here.”

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there was—literally—yesterday’s news about the gubernatorial elections that garnered so much national attention. The pundits have lit up the airwaves with what that may or may not mean. I think it’s important enough to deserve a separate post, which will appear above when it’s posted.


Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Good to have you back good sir! And congratulations on upgrading the computer. But I have to ask... does that now make it a HAL 10,000??

(:D) Best regards...

November 05, 2009 4:46 PM  
Blogger camojack said...

You do have a way with words; keep up the good work.

So much for Afghanistan being the "right war" and "doing whatever it takes", eh?

November 06, 2009 1:32 AM  
Blogger Robert said...

No, HAL is now a Mk. III. The Mark I was my 1998 Gateway; long since consigned to the scrap heap. Mark II was the original Dell; out of the box from the factory. The upgrade makes HAL a totally new computer; a Mark III.

99.9% of humans are Mk. I models; also out of the box with God's original factory equipment. Modern science has afforded an option plan for the terminally dissatisfied. Chas Bono, Renee Richards, and other "transgendered" critters would qualify as Mk. II models under this analogy, I suppose. Gay people are still Mk. I models, but they are in violation of the manufacturer's warranty for misuse of equipment.

November 07, 2009 11:37 AM  

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