French fries
I heard a Frenchman actually use the phrase "civil war" the other day, while commenting on the "unrest." The French army possesses one of the best tanks in the world, the LeClerc. It’s one of the finest tanks on-line, and I will avoid the joke about the five reverse gears. They should use them. I forget the name assigned to their armored cars, but they are pretty fearsome, too. I think there's a chance we'll see some of the latter on the streets of Paris before this is over. More likely, we'll see some feeble attempts at appeasement, and ongoing denial from all over that this is part of the jihad against the West. Instead, we'll continue to hear the blathering about "cultural assimilation." I grow weary of hearing the garbage about these kids being second-generation Islamic refugees who aren't accepted fully in France and can't go home to Algeria, or wherever. Here's a not-so-nuanced suggestion that would horrify the snail-eaters: Call out the military, round up everyone on the streets after the government-imposed curfew, and deport their young asses back to the country of their parents' origin. Lethal force is authorized. Since the French government is accustomed to acting unilaterally - while denouncing us for doing the same; or so they claim - if the receiving countries don't want the rioting children of Islam, the French can simply threaten to enforce the deportations with the Foreign Legion, et. al.
I can dream, can't I?
I'm waiting for the violence to spread further in Germany. I want see some of that good German pragmatism in action...if they have any left. They need to get over the guilt about the Third Reich that prevents them from doing anything decisive in today's world. Maybe they could form a coalition with the French on deporting all these disaffected jihadists. Better still, the ESU [European Socialist Union] can all form a coalition. Eurabia is on the march and those ninnies better wake up over there.
There has been a proposal about "land for peace." I see that as a more likely—and frightening—possibility than use of military force to end the French civil war. Islam views all Westerners—even our imperialist selves—as being too weak to resist the jihad. Can you imagine our reaction if something like Paris broke out here? (They don't call those folks "The National Guard" for nothing, and they're getting some good OJT in Iraq.) On the other hand, can you imagine what the reaction might be if the jihadists wait until Hillary is President, and then try to start their intifada in America? Which state would we trade to them, as an autonomous enclave, in return for temporary peace? And how would we then deal with the hordes of terrorists, trained in that enclave, who would spread out through the rest of the country?
I can have nightmares, too, can't I?
The longer the rioting in Europe goes on, with the attendant rhetoric that the Frogs simply don't understand, accept, and appreciate the insurgents in Paris, the angrier I become. I think the nadir came on FOX News a couple of days ago. There was some young priest in Paris, in full frock and collar, making the usual excuses and denials about what's happening there. He said he'd been to some of the local schools, and talked with young Muslims who all disavowed the riots. Unfortunately for Father Whoever's credibility, the camera crew had accompanied him, and got some footage of his encounters with Islamic youth. He was talking with girls! They were sans headscarves, per French law. In fact, they were dressed in modest Western-style clothing. They were all smiles and giggles, and assured the good Father that Islam is a religion of peace...yadda, yadda. But they were all girls! I assume my readers know the standing of women in Islam. Their standing is actually sitting at the feet of the men. If Father Whoever wanted the real skinny on what's driving the jihadists, he should've been out walking the suburban streets after dark, strolling up to those ski-masked insurgents while they're torching cars, hospitals, and every other target of opportunity. Can you picture this young fool of a priest, in his traditional clerical garb, trying to open a "meaningful dialogue of understanding" with a punk in a ski mask, Molotov cocktail in hand, and possibly a pistol under his jacket? I've read some scary stuff about Catholic martyrs, and what happened to them at the hands of heathens. No wonder Father was talking to Westernized Islamic girls in the bright light of day. I suppose he had no desire to join that long list stretching through history...not when he could be on TV, instead.
Ramadan Offensive ’05 is underway. Those who defend our schizophrenic border policies should be taking notes. While I advocate President Bush holding his silence on most of the racket raised by his opponents, he should take a decisive stance on the policies that have France burning. True cowboys hold their ground where it firms up under their feet, and simple answers are usually the best ones. Most of the mojados pouring into America are trying to escape the corruption of the Mexican government, and want to be part of the dream, not destroy it. The five who smuggle an Atomic Demolitions Munition, purchased from the former Soviet Union on the cheap, are the ones who will poison the immigration well for everyone. It’s tough toenails for the illegal aliens, but the border has to be closed to everyone, before Cleveland disappears in an atomic mushroom. The American dream does not include nuclear terrorism, and that spectre is riding the coat tails of those desperate people who brave the deserts to walk into America on a daily basis.
For all potential Americans: line up, get a green card, and do it properly. For the French: reap what you sowed. French fries has a whole new meaning today.